Euro-Climhist – Ways to Weather Hindcasting


What benefits do I receive as a scientific user?

As a standard user, you will receive a starting credit of 20,000 hits for testing purposes. After that, access allows up to 10,000 hits per week. The query results appear without a detailed source reference and without the full wording of the source. In contrast, with a scientific user account you can make unlimited searches in Euro-Climhist and gain access to the full text of the source as well as the exact source reference. Please note that the free use of Euro-Climhist is for non-commercial purposes only.

I would like to obtain an account as a scientific user that allows me to query data without restrictions. How can I obtain this?

You have the option of applying for access as a scientific user when you register. This requires you to provide your real name, research interests and, if available, your institutional affiliation. If, as a standard user, you would like to switch to a scientific user account at a later date, please send an email to The team will review your request and then provide you with feedback. Please note that the free use of Euro-Climhist is for non-commercial purposes only.

How exactly does a search query on the Euro-Climhist database work?

Take a look at the tutorials under database search and use the instructions to make an initial search query. If you have any problems or questions, please do not hesitate to contact

I have come across contemporary climate data that I have not yet found in your database. I would like to make the data available for Euro-Climhist. How can I cooperate?

Please write an email to Prof Dr Christian Rohr ( and state the type of data you have and the approximate number of records. For publications, send scans of the title page and the pages with weather history content. In the case of archive sources, please state the relevant location (archive, shelfmark).

Do I have to create a new account if I have a new e-mail adress?

No, you can change the e-mail address in your account or add another one. To do this, log in to the database, then go to "Account" and change your details by clicking on "Save" at the end.